Cleats workshop - May 4, 2013 9:00-3:00
Requested Donation: $10.00 (includes Black Locust blank). Participant can bring their own blank if a different wood is desired, e.g. mahogany, teak, or white oak. Blank should be at least 7 x 1.25 x 1.25 inch or 10 x 1.75 x 1.75 inch.
Leader: Ralph Cohen
Goal: Each participant will build a wooden cleat.
Format of class: This is a hands-on class. Participants will have a choice of several different cleats. They are encouraged to bring their own tools, including block plane, draw knife or spoke shave, files and rasps, and chisels and gouges. We will lay out the cleat using cardboard templates or from table of dimension, then use band saw and table saw to remove excess material, drill, carve, and finally smooth the cleats.
Documentation and References:
Handout from class
Leader: Ralph Cohen
Goal: Each participant will build a wooden cleat.
Format of class: This is a hands-on class. Participants will have a choice of several different cleats. They are encouraged to bring their own tools, including block plane, draw knife or spoke shave, files and rasps, and chisels and gouges. We will lay out the cleat using cardboard templates or from table of dimension, then use band saw and table saw to remove excess material, drill, carve, and finally smooth the cleats.
Documentation and References:
Handout from class