Sharpening workshop - March 2, 2013 9:00-3:00
Requested Donation: $5.00
Leaders: Jim Litton, Mike Simmons, John Bouwsma
Goal: Demonstration of three different methods of sharpening. This is a great opportunity for people to try several different methods before spending money on equipment.
Format of class: Four workstations will be set up, with different sharpening methods at each one. Participants will be encouraged to bring tools needing sharpening and will be given the opportunity to try their hand at these skills.
Materials from the class:
Leaders: Jim Litton, Mike Simmons, John Bouwsma
Goal: Demonstration of three different methods of sharpening. This is a great opportunity for people to try several different methods before spending money on equipment.
Format of class: Four workstations will be set up, with different sharpening methods at each one. Participants will be encouraged to bring tools needing sharpening and will be given the opportunity to try their hand at these skills.
- Hand sharpening by eye, no fixtures, using oil stones. Jim can show you how to sharpen almost anything, including knives and curved blades: Jim Litton
- Sharpening planes and chisels using a Veritas Mark II guide with water stones and sandpaper: John Bouwsma
- Sharpening using a Veritas Mark II guide with diamond stones and sandpaper: Mike Simmons
- Hand saw sharpening: Mike Simmons
- Lee Valley articles on sharpening:
- Lie Neilsen sharpening videos:
- Winks Hardware: Local source of supply for files
- Hand Saw Sharpening Handout to be provided in class
Materials from the class: